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Top 10 Weight Training Tips

1. Exercises, Sets and Reps - One of the most important factors of weight training, and one that can be the biggest cause of not getting the results you want, is how many exercises, sets and reps to do. For any beginners that are already lost, Bicep Curl is an example of an exercise, reps is short for repetitions and is how many Bicep Curls you should do, and sets is how many times should repeat those reps after a short rest. But how many of each? To build muscle, you will get the best results if you do 4 sets of 10 reps, for 3 different exercises for each body part.
2. Work To Failure - You now know to do 10 reps per set, but not how much weight to lift. Well the answer to this is simple: lift as much weight as you can for 10 reps. If you can do 12 reps or more you haven't got enough weight, if you can only do 8 reps or less you've got too much.
3. Rest Periods - Something that most people are unaware of is how long they should rest between sets. For some people it's just long enough to get their breath back, for others it's however long it takes to finish the conversation with their training partner. This can be anything from 30 seconds to 10 minutes, depending how interesting it is! The length of time for a rest period is dictated by how long it takes for the energy system (in this case anaerobic) to recover, without overdoing it and not getting the most benefit for muscle building. Between each set have a 2 minute rest. Use a stopwatch if necessary. It's that important.
4. Split-Routine Workouts - If you're serious about weight training then you need to be doing split-routine workouts. This means instead of exercising your whole body each time you go to the gym, train different body parts on different days and repeat this each week. An example four-day split routine is: Monday - Triceps and Biceps, Tuesday - Rest, Wednesday - Legs, Thursday - Rest, Friday - Back and Shoulders, Saturday - Chest, Sunday - Rest
5. Don't Do Too Much - What I mean by this is if you're doing the split-routine as above on Monday, when you've done 4 sets of 3 exercises on your Triceps and the same for your Biceps - Stop! Don't think you haven't done enough or had a lazy weekend and need to make up for it. Doing more than this will not only achieve few benefits in terms of building muscle, it could have the opposite effect and decrease muscle size. It might also lead to overtraining which comes with a whole host of complications.
6. Get Enough Rest - It might show dedication to want to lift weights every day, but your body needs rest. When you're in the gym you're not actually building muscles, you're damaging them. But it's this microscopic damage, called micro-tears, that causes the body to increase muscle size to prevent it happening in the future. This happens during rest, especially during sleep, so make sure you're getting enough.
7. Warm Up Properly - While most people want to get straight into their training, even if it's just to get it over with, warming up properly is too important to miss. A few minutes of light aerobic work and stretching before and after each workout not only helps prevent injuries, it also helps prevent DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), both of which will interfere with training.
8. Protein - Just about everyone that lifts weights knows that good quality protein is essential for healthy lean muscle. But what many don't know is that you shouldn't just have as much as you can get. If you don't exercise you need your weight in kilos multiplied by 0.8 grams. If you do a serious amount of weight or strength training, such as professional bodybuilder, you might multiply your weight in kilos by 2 grams. For most people wanting to build muscle though, a figure somewhere between 1.2 and 1.5 grams is best. Your body can take in so much protein per day anyway, anything in excess of this is just wasted.
9. A Healthy Diet - Whether you need to lower the amount of calories you eat to lose body fat, or increase it to bulk up, supplements have their uses but should not be relied upon. For example, you can get enough protein in your diet without ever touching a protein supplement by eating meat, eggs, fish, cheese and milk, but also nuts, beans, soy, oats, and lentils. Also, the more intense your workouts, the more carbohydrates you use and the more you need to replace them, otherwise you might be too tired to train the next day. And remember your 5-a-day to make sure your body is getting the vitamins and minerals it needs to be at its best for building muscle.
10. Log Your Workouts - Achieving 10 reps for each set means using the correct weights, but given all the different exercises you'll be doing it's very difficult to remember what you lifted last time. Especially if you're getting stronger and your weights are always changing. Making notes means you'll know what you're going to lift before you even get to the gym, and will help you see how far you've come since you started.
David Hields is a qualified Personal Trainer and writer who has 20 years experience of dieting, exercising and fitness. He has also studied psychology for over 10 years and uses all of this knowledge to help people achieve their health & fitness goals.
Visit his blog at []

Best Exercise Program To Lose Weight

What is the best exercised program to lose weight? There are a number of factors that you need to consider to make sure you maximize the burning of fat, and don't over train and give up.
Aerobic exercise burns a higher percentage of fat.
There are two types of exercise. Aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is typically low intensity training, so your heart rate is pushed to between 60 and 70% of your maximum heart rate threshold (your maximum heart rate threshold is approximately 220 minus your age). When you train in this heart rate range, studies have shown that you burn the highest percentage of fat.
For example, it is estimated the exercise of walking burns approximately 55-60% fat, depending on your intensity. The reason that you burn a higher percentage of fat, is that your body combines oxygen with your fat stores to fuel your muscles. As long as you stay in the low threshold range, you will continue to burn fat. However, long aerobic sessions can actually start to burn muscle as well, which is the opposite of what we need.
Anaerobic exercise burns more fat in total
Anaerobic exercise on the other hand, is high intensity training. Your body burns fuel quicker than the oxygen and fat can supply it, so glycogen (commonly known as carbohydrates) which is stored in the muscles and liver, is called on. Therefore the percentage of fat burned decreases, compared to aerobic exercise, but the total amount of fat burned increases, because so much more fuel is required to provide energy for the high intensity burst. So you are actually burning more fat with high intensity exercise. That is what matters. More fat burned means more calories burned (a calorie is a unit measure of energy). The more calories you burn, the faster you lose weight, given that your calorie intake is lower than the calories burned.
The problem with anaerobic exercise
The problem with high intensity exercise is that lactic acid builds up quickly, due to the lack of oxygen getting to the muscles. Lactic acid causes that burning sensation in your muscles, and forces you to slow down and recover.
The best exercise program to lose weight
So the best exercise program for weight loss is a combination of high intensity training, combined with recovery periods to let your body recover. This form of training is known as interval training. Many sports use this form of training to build up, and maintain fitness in athletes, but it has also been proven conclusively by scientists to maximize fat burning, and weight loss. The beauty of interval training is that you don't need to spend so much time exercising. It is actually detrimental to your weight loss do so.
I have reviewed two of the best exercise programs that claim to accelerate weight loss by adopting the exact approach I have just outlined above, interval training. These programs both recommend three sessions a week, for no more than 50 minutes each session.
If you are interested in accelerating your weight loss by training for shorter periods of time, and only 3 times a week, for maximum weight loss, check out my review of the best exercise program for weight loss. Also, check out the free weight loss exercise programs and exercise bike interval workouts. Good luck in with your weight loss goals.

Top 10 Home Exercise Routines

Want to get in shape without joining a gym and without the expense of purchasing exercise equipment for your home? No problem. Here are 10 home exercise routines that require no equipment.
1. Jumping Jacks - Yes, good old fashioned jumping jacks-the same exercise we did as kids. They are an excellent warm-up exercise to start your routine with and provide good cardio benefits if done at a high intensity.
2. Walking - If the weather is nice, this is a great outdoor activity. Find a nice place to walk and take advantage of the fresh air, sunshine and scenery. This keeps it much more interesting and fun than walking on a treadmill in your basement.
If the weather outside is not fit for walking, you can stay indoors and do stair climbs instead. This exercise is more of a challenge and can really get your heart pumping if you keep the pace high and rest periods short. Try going up the stairs at a brisk pace and walk back down at your normal speed. Do several sets and you will feel the burn in your legs.
3. Running in place - If you can't go outside and have no steps at home try running in place. This can be done while watching TV or listening to your MP3 player or radio. Try to maintain a brisk pace for maximum benefits.
4. Step exercises - These can provide good cardio benefits as well as toning your legs. Just stand in front of the bottom step on a set of stairs or any other solid surface that is the same height. Step up with one foot and then the other, then step back down with one foot and then the other. Increase the pace for a higher intensity workout.
5. Pushups - Pushups are great for developing arm, shoulder and chest muscles. If you find them to be too difficult at first, try doing them on your knees instead of with your legs straight out. When you feel that they have become too easy, try them with your legs straight for a more challenging workout.
To really take pushups to the next level, perform them with your legs straight out and your feet elevated on a chair. This method really works the shoulders and chest muscles.
6. Leg Raises - These are good for toning the abdominal muscles. Simply lie flat on your back and raise your legs about 12 inches off the ground and hold them for 10-15 seconds. If you can't hold them for this long, try doing them with your legs bent.
7. Crunches - These are another good exercise for toning the midsection. To perform crunches correctly, lie on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle and your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms across your chest and curl your upper body up while tucking your chin into your chest. Lift up about 18 inches and press your lower back into the floor. When you feel your abdominal muscles contracting you know you are doing them correctly.
8. Squats - This is a great exercise for your legs and glutes. To do them properly, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground then slowly stand up again. Be sure to keep your back straight and your head up through the entire movement.
9. Leg/Arm Raises -This exercise strengthens your core muscles and tones your shoulders and glutes. Start on your hands and knees. Raise your left arm straight out in front of you and your right leg out straight behind you at the same time and hold for 2-3 seconds. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Alternate from side to side.
10. Dancing - Dancing can be a great aerobic exercise if done at high intensity. The really great thing about dancing is that you can have a good workout and have a lot of fun at the same time.
These home exercise routines will keep you in great shape without the expense of purchasing a gym membership, expensive exercise equipment or weights. Just be sure to stick to your program and have fun getting in shape!
Are you ready to take your fitness training to the next level? Learn how to lose fat and gain muscle in less time at []

Best Weight Loss Plan

How to Find the Right Weight Loss Plan
If you are among the millions of people who struggle with their weight, you may have had a hard time settling on a weight loss plan that really works. There are so many different products and plans out there that all claim to offer the best results. How can you develop a weight loss plan that will finally help you get rid of those extra pounds? This article can help.
It is important to make sure that your weight loss goals are realistic so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Don't try to lose a hundred pounds in two months, or plan to run a marathon in the next year if you can barely walk to the corner. Instead, set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve so that you are not disappointed.
You should also distinguish between your long-term and your short-term goals, and make sure that they do not conflict with each other. Each short-term goal that you achieve should represent real progress toward one of your long-term goals. As you achieve more and more short-term goals, you can revise your long-term goals to be more ambitious if you are doing particularly well.
As you work, keep your goals in mind and focus on them. Try to remove any distractions from your life that will prevent you from being fully committed to your goals. The more focused and motivated you are, the more likely you will be to reach your goals and achieve that ideal body that you have always wanted.
It is important to remember that weight loss does not happen instantly. You are not going to wake up the next day and suddenly weigh twenty or thirty pounds less. Weight loss requires real effort over a long period of time. If you want to be able to keep the weight off for the rest of your life, you have to be willing to make real changes to your lifestyle so that you do not fall into bad habits.
When you choose a weight loss plan, you are not making a lifetime commitment to it. If one plan is not giving you the results you need, feel free to make any adjustments that you need and see if those work better for you. If you are just not happy with a plan after a while, try a different one. The important thing is to commit yourself to the goal of good health, not to stick to a single plan even if it does not work well for you.
To successfully lose the weight and get yourself in better shape, you need to have a plan that will really work. If you do not know what you are doing, it is all too easy to get trapped in a cycle of rapid weight loss followed by equally rapid weight gain. By using the ideas in the preceding article, you can finally get rid of that extra weight and keep it off over the long-term.
Want to know more about diet and nutrition just visit there you might find what you are looking for.
Husin Abdullah has been writing a lot of articles about diet programs and losing weight for much different purpose. If you really interesting in losing weight and want to know more about just visit there you might find what you are looking for.

Best Nutrition Tips For You - Find Out How To Be Healthy And Fit

Being aware what to enjoy is the easiest way to be sure you maintain your body needs being healthy is very important. Utilize the ideas and incorporate them into the daily nutrition plan.
Start with small steps if you are modifying your diet for your better.Change will not always happen immediately. You should also spare yourself the pain sensation of consuming meals that you may unlike. Add new foods that you will be not utilized to slowly and allow yourself time and energy to become accustomed to it.
Changing how you will prepare your meals may have a huge impact to the nutrition. You can actually improve your family by preparing foods inside a healthier way.
Eating 4 to 5 meals throughout the day is a lot more nutritionally sound than stuffing yourself in three large meals.
Salmon is a good selection for you with a lot of nutritious diet. Salmon is full of both niacin and omega-3. Omega-3 essential fatty acids can cut the danger of such conditions as heart problems, depression and in many cases cancer, cancer and Alzheimer's.
Be wise when you shop for whole-grain foodstuffs. You may not use colour of a food to figure out its grain content. You will only be eating better when you read the ingredients on each package.
Select dairy food properly. While milk products provide many nutrients including calcium, vitamin D, protein and vitamin D, you need to pick fat free or lowered fat products. Drink fat-free or skim milk, as this reduces calories however, not the nutrients. If you cannot digest lactose, drink soy milk or lactose-free milk.
While you are trying to get your kid to consume new food, trying describing what the food is like. You could attempt to have them by an intriguing description of your texture.
Children especially need proper nutrition to increase.If they eat unhealthy foods full of starch and sugars, they won't receive the essential nutrients they need to develop properly.
Most fast foods along with other unhealthy foods have plenty of salt. If you eat less salt each day, you might find that you simply spot the taste of salt more. Foods which are not healthy choices may suddenly be too salty. You won't crave them as much cravings to them.
A healthy diet ought to include both cooked and raw or uncooked dishes. Our recommendation is that the ratio of your food which you eat be around 2:1. This will help you make certain that no less than this a lot of your diet plan is maintaining its full nutritional capacity by not every being destroyed within the cooking process. Eating a lot of fruits and veggies will help.
Perhaps you may now see the benefits of consuming a nutritious diet. Follow these life changing tips and initiate reaping the huge benefits now.
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Advanced Workout and Nutrition Program

The following article is meant for advanced body builders who have been regularly working out for the past one year. The plans and advices put forward in this article are just suggestions. Feel free to make changes and substitute new exercises. An organized set of advanced workout program along with advanced nutritional supplements, pretty much guarantees your success.
Advanced workout program
Before starting with your advance workout program, please bear in mind the following points.
  • Always warm up before you start training
  • Do the work outs slowly and work your way up.
  • Set your goals taking into consideration your abilities.
  • Increase the intensity, duration and reps whenever possible.
  • Start slow, don't overload yourself with weights.
  • Divide your workout program and schedule.
  • Include proper rest period for your muscles.
The advance workout program that follows is just a sample work selected randomly from a list of thousands. Workouts vary from person to person and from trainer to trainer.
Monday -chest
  1. For the following exercises, do three sets of 10 to 12 reps. try to finish your workout routine within 60 to 70 min.
  2. Exercises include -Dumbbell flys, dumbbell press, incline press, incline flys, hip push-ups.
  3. Do 20 min of cardio, which can include jogging, treadmill or cycling.
Tuesday -lats
  1. Finish your workout in 80 to 90 min and include 20 min of cardio.
  2. Exercises include-Weight pull ups, dumbbell rows, narrow grip pull ups, bend over rows, alternating grip pull ups.
Wednesday - legs
  1. Finish your workout in 70 to 80 min and include 20 min of cardio.
  2. Exercises include-Lunges, stiff leg dead lifts, hanging leg curls, weight calf raises, skateboard squats.
Thursday - shoulders
  1. Complete your workout within 80 to 90 min, include 20 min of cardio.
  2. Exercises include-front raise, side race, alternating dumbbell press, shrugs, rotation both inner and outer.
Friday - arms
  1. Complete your workout program in 80 to 90 min, include 20 min of cardio.
  2. Exercises include- Hammer curls, reverse curls, dumbbell curls, chair dips, dumbbell press, preacher curls, and skull crushers.
Saturday and Sunday
  1. Give your body the much-needed rest.
  2. You can however do 20 min of cardio on these days.
For an advanced body builder, half of the work is done in the gym and the rest is through nutrition. During advance workout session you stretch and break your muscle fibers causing damage. For these muscle fibers to recover and grow bigger, diet rich in proteins is a must. Your diet should include 1 gram or more proteins per pound, and not more than 15 cal per pound per day. Here are some pointers that will help you with your diet.
  • Eat lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, beans, and meat.
  • Avoid sugar, alcohol, fatty food, fast food, salty food, and starchy food.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Divide your meals and space them 4 hourly.
  • Supplement your diet with protein powder.
  • Remember to load your bloodstream with proteins, pre-and post-workout.
  • Protein preferred for Pre-and post-workout is whey.
  • Protein (casein) should be taken before sleep and after getting up in the morning.
The two keywords for success are hard work and proper diet. Once you start feeling comfortable with your workout program and your nutrition schedule, don't break the rhythm. Workout routinely and success will be yours.
Until the next article "Be Your Best"
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Best Fitness-Weight Loss Program

Weight Loss is the process of reducing body weight. This is basically a simple concept; you need to burn more calories than you consume and since the formula is so simple, it should be easy - right?

The short answer is that for many people this is a chronic endeavor and the road to weight loss is often full of hills and curves. It is something that many people struggle with every day. This is a task that requires a conscious, intentional effort and never "fun and easy" as claimed.

Weight loss is one of those topics that have been written and talked about time and time again. In order of risk and difficulty just short of quitting smoking, weight loss is probably the most significant factor determining the quality of your life and health.
It is often treated as a "quick fix" or short-term goal. Successful long term goals are incredibly difficult for most people to achieve when they feel like they are depriving themselves. The only way to accomplish it is to be educated and find the perfect program that does not revolve around fads.

Experts agree that the winning formula is the adoption of diet and exercise habits that you can maintain for the long term. This can only be achieved by controlling your calorie intake and increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity. It must be understood however, that effective weight loss is a gradual process in learning how-one reduces weight and keeps it off.

To take slow but consistent steps is better than a rapid weight loss as it is very unhealthy and dieters that are serious about slimming down should always opt for a healthy weight reduction instead. The first step needed is to adapt to new eating and exercise habits and to not rely on diet drugs. Such a method of is typically the best and safest way to go. Healthy eating and a fitness program for weight loss are all about motivation, balance, and flexibility. It shouldn't be about suffering or deprivation.

Successful weight loss is not just a matter of losing kilos. Healthy weight loss is really an attempt to reduce excess body fat. Weight loss is easy to achieve, but fat loss is more difficult. To determine whether weight loss is due to fat, various methods of measuring body fat percentage have been developed.

Selecting a program for the proper combinations of foods and exercise requires planning and a firm understanding of the principles on which the weight loss is based; Low-glycemic weight loss occurs over time but it is longer lasting. However, it seems that slow and gradual weight loss is not as appealing as the quick loss promoted in many of the fad diets, but it is more effective.

There are many fitness weightloss programs that are specially designed to suit different requirements. You must start your Program with Believing You Can Do It. Fitness weightloss programs follow the principle that exercise is the first key to effective weight loss. You must, however, be willing to incorporate a meal plan to help you lose not just access kilos but most importantly fat.

A scale doesn't always tell you everything you need to know. Fitness weightloss programs and exercise systems have the additional bonus that can help you get fit and stay fit. In conclusion, Reality is that reducing weight in a healthy way and learning how to keep it off for years is not easy. Setting a weight reduction goal means nothing if you can't keep yourself motivated to reach it. The only way to achieve it is to be educated your self and finds the perfect fitness weightloss program that does not revolve around any fads.

Steve Stamos has been working in the health field, for almost 20 years. He is an Internet author and writes informative material on health. He personally knows the degree of difficulty in adopting habits that can be maintained for the long term. He has looked and tried several weight loss programs but it is just one, to his opinion, that has passed the effectiveness test. Find out more information at his website. []

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