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Choosing the Right Cardio Routine

So, you want to use cardio to lose all that extra weight. I don't blame you; cardio is an effective tool that will help you get in shape fast. But only if you do it right. Here are some pointers that will help you choose the right routine...

#1. - A good cardio routine has to be short and easy.

The main reason people fail to lose weight is because they over-complicate things.

You will only be able to succeed if your workout routine is short, so you can train regularly, and easy, so your current fitness level won't be an issue.

You don't need to train like Michael Phelps to get amazing results. You can use a high-intensity cardio routine to train 5 to 10 minutes, every other day, and still achieve your goals.

#2. - You need to see results fast.

If your workout routine is effective you should get results very fast. I am not saying that an effective routine will help you lose 20 kilograms overnight, that's impossible. But, if you want to stay motivated, you should get fast noticeable improvements.

Most guys start very motivated but after a week or two, when they can't perceive any advance, they quit. Every success, even if it's small, will take you one step closer to your goal.

#3. - Lifetime results.

Many guys fall into a perverse cycle. They gain weight and start working out. When they reach their goal they quit, and gain all the weight back. Remember, we want to lose that extra load forever.

A good fitness program should be part of your lifestyle, forever. It has to be easy and simple to help you achieve consistency.

#4. - A good cardio routine should increase your metabolism.

Your metabolism is the amount of calories that your body burns just to keep you going. Most guys don't know this, but the amount of calories you burn through your metabolism is more important than the amount you burn through your workout sessions.

When you perform low-intensity cardio you lose muscle mass, and that lowers your metabolism. On the other hand short high-intensity cardio routines will help you build muscle mass, and as a result, your metabolism will increase.

I have to confess, I am a lazy over-eater. Despite of that I was able to lose 20 kilograms of overweight, 10 of them in one month. Just by keeping things simple.

Simple things work, and they are able to stand the test of time.

If you want to learn how to lose weight and get six pack abs faster than you ever thought possible go to, you'll be glad you did.

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The Fitness and Happiness Connection

In a recent Time Magazine cover story titled Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin, author John Cloud presented evidence to support the theory that the more you exercise, the hungrier you get and the less likely you are to lose weight. His arguments seem to be aimed at getting people to give up exercise altogether. Unfortunately, the article provided very little insight into the positive connection between exercise and happiness.

Even if a person's eating habits prevent weight loss, there's no denying that exercise is an important component of good health. It's well documented that aerobic exercise can make you feel happier because it increases the body's production of endorphins, which are chemicals that give you a feeling of well-being and even euphoria. Exercise can also help you sleep better, fight mild cases of depression and boost your self-esteem.

Finding time to exercise isn't always easy, but for people who have desk jobs that require hours of inactivity, it's critical to find a few hours a week for exercise. Creating a fitness plan is one way to make sure you stay motivated to exercise on a regular basis. A good fitness plan should include these three components of well-balanced exercise: aerobic exercise, strength training and flexibility training.

Aerobic Exercise

This type of exercise gives the heart a workout. It consists of physical activities that quicken the pulse and breathing for at least 20 minutes. Biking, running and swimming are great forms of aerobic exercise. Team sports such as tennis and basketball will also give you a good aerobic workout, as well working out on machines like treadmills, elliptical machines and exercycles. You can avoid boredom in your fitness plan by switching between different forms of aerobic exercise.

Strength Training

Besides the heart, other muscles in the body also need a workout. Strength training with weight machines and free weights can tone the muscles of the arms, legs and torso. Yoga and Pilates can also be used for strength training. Another advantage of training to build muscle is that it can help prevent the loss of bone mass and slow down the onset of osteoporosis.

Flexibility Training

Being flexible can help prevent injury and can help improve performance for aerobic activities. Stretching on a regular basis is one of the best ways to stay flexible. Most gyms offer flexibility and stretching class and there are also DVDs that can be used to learn how to properly stretch. Besides stretching, many activities promote flexibility, including karate, dance, gymnastics, Pilates and yoga.

A well-balanced fitness program should include several sessions per week of each of these three types of exercise. Remember that you don't have to be a top competitor in a sport to benefit from it - it enough just to participate on a regular basis. Besides looking and feeling better, you'll gain a sense of accomplishment by taking on new challenges. Investing time in a fitness program is one of the best ways to ensure happiness and a sense of well-being.

Are You Happy? Personal Transformation for Thinking People

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How To Put Fitness First In Your Life

Even though many people want to make fitness a priority in their lives and put it first on their to do list, it seems like a difficult task to actually make it happen.

 Most people have put it on their list of new years resolutions at one time or another in their lives showing how much people want to make it a habit and yet how difficult it can be.

One of the secrets to working out on a regular basis is to make it a priority but also to find something that you find fun and exciting to take part in.

You'll also want to make sure you start out slow and enjoy the process of getting in shape and improving your performance.

So you can start by looking at activities that you'll enjoy and asking some direct questions.

Do you enjoy working out by yourself and could use the alone time or do you prefer the motivation and camaraderie that a community of like minded individuals can bring?

Do you like losing yourself in repetitive motion or do you prefer something that provides a changing stimulus where you need to ficus your attention on an ever changing and fast paced activity?

Are you looking for a small group environment that helps keep the motivation high and where you don't have the intimidation of a large group or do you prefer the anonymity of training in a large group?

Do you prefer a low impact workout or high intensity, adrenaline charged activity?

A good start is to assess what your preferences are and then try a few different classes to see what works for you and what makes you excited to take part in again.

You'll also want to look for a gym that's near your home or work as it helps to keep going regularly if the gym is nearby.

You'll want to eliminate the obstacle of having to get there and make sure that distance won't deter you from working out.

The greatest thing about habitually making exercise a part of your routine is that is does become a habit and you end up looking forward to working out as it becomes more effortless to get your self moving and you end up seeing results.

So how do you make working out a priority in your life?

Find something you enjoy doing, look to make small increments of progress, track your development by keeping a logbook, eliminate distance to a fitness center as a deterrent and keep going until it becomes a habit.

Before you know it you won't want to stop.

Check out tips on incorporating workouts into your lifestyle effortlessly while getting results at:

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How to Build Muscle Fast Top Tips and Tricks

 Without a doubt how to build muscle is a key question you ask yourself when you start a training regime. The answer is sort after by many different people including Bodybuilders, Health and fitness experts and anybody who would like to look good whilst keeping his or her body fat percentage low.

The main way to develop muscle has been the modern resistance workout and has long been accepted as one of the essential methods to do this but there are many other variables to take into account.

Protein is key to help build muscles, without the right quantity of protein in your diet you will see very little improvement in added muscle mass.

You have to take in the right amount of protein before your weight training regimes can take full effect. Good results show that you know how to build muscle.

Fish and lean white or low fat red meat are fantastic types of protein and you will have to get the balance right to obtain the end results you desire.
As you lift weights good form is essential in your quest to discover how to build muscle. How you lift heavy weights when you get started will make an enormous contribution towards the level of quality within the muscles you produce. Good form is also essential to avoiding injury.
If you'd like lean muscle growth then you will on occasions really have to drive the muscles to your maximum in a mixture of sets and weight.

This is why good form is crucial because when you force your muscles to your maximum you are more likely to pick up injuries especially when you haven't mastered the methods to lift the right way.

Another important part is actually resting your body, without that the muscular tissues will not have the opportunity to increase. Too much training without the required rest can easily lead to overtraining.

Periodization can avoid overtraining

Set up a method of periodization. Periodization is called such because it splits up your workout over several months into different dynamic periods of workout.

You may vary either the intensity or the muscles worked out during each period forcing your body to rapidly adapt to many different exercises and strengths over time. Some think that performing a simple exercise over and over again can cause a weight lifter to plateau.

When you are working towards enhancing your physique, understand that spot training is not going to be effective If you are carrying excessive weight on your body then you will have to reduce the overall body fat percentage.

Once you have carved your body down to your target weight and body fat percentage, you can see results from spot training. Always remember that fat will sit everywhere on your body and the reduction of this must be across the whole of the body.

Consistency is the key to building up the knowledge as to how to build muscle. As people age, they often let their muscle building regimes slip.

The pressures of a job(s), spouse, and kids often take precedence over working out. Remember to do something! It's easier to keep your body in shape if you have put the hard work in previously as it is very much like spinning plates, just keep them moving. If you train and eat right then there is no reason why you can't see consistent improvements throughout your life.

For more in depth muscle building information check out How To Build Muscle reviews at

For more independent reviews on great training regimes out there take a look at Turbulence Training and discover the right way to lose fat and develop great Abdominals.

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5 Tips and Tricks to Bodybuilding

Tip 1: Set the Right Goals

It is important, especially in weight training, that the goals you set yourself are achievable. There is no faster way to ruin your bodybuilding journey than to set unrealistic goals that you can't achieve and subsequently destroys your moral and momentum.

The goal you set is specific to you but it should revolve around something you want e.g. a lean muscular physique, but also something that you can measure, e.g. using photographs to show weekly/monthly gains or something you can measure e.g. bicep curl weight or bench press weight.

The key here is that the goals you set are realistic and measurable so they can become a source of confidence and help you gain momentum in training.

Tip 2: Warm Up and Down Effectively

Warming up and warming down is key in any sport; it helps to prevent injury and also aids your long term muscle life.

Warming up before you workout is important it aids your performance during the workout and also helps to prevent injury while lifting.

Warming down afterwards is also important as it should help to decrease recovery time of the muscles while also increasing their long term life.

The important thing here is to make sure you effectively warm up and down which can be done simply by stretching and using lighter weights at the beginning and end of your workout.

Tip 3: Vary your Workouts

Don't do the same thing every time your muscles will gain a memory of this and as such any workout you do will have a much decreased impact on your muscle gains.

It is best to swap round the exercises you do, e.g. change from bicep curls to hammer curls. It does not have to be massive variety just as long as the movement is slightly different.

It can also be beneficial to mix up the muscle groups you exercise, e.g. change from biceps and back to biceps and triceps then biceps and chest.

The different mechanics of exercising each muscle impacts changes the routine and also how much your muscles can do, you can do more bicep work when you combine it with chest or triceps than with back because the chest and triceps are push movements but back and biceps are pull movements.

Tip 4: Recovery

Recovery is key, this is the phase where the muscle growth happens. The recovery phase is made up of two distinct elements.

Firstly you need to make sure your body gets the correct nutrients through a properly maintained diet.
The se
cond element is the quality and quantity of sleep you get. This allows your body to recover from the stresses of a workout and means you can do more exercise in a shorter amount of time and you can work out harder when you do without getting injured.

It is still important to not give your muscles sufficient time between your workouts to recover; it is really recommended that you do not work out the same muscle groups on subsequent days.

Tip 5: Get the Right Supplements

As was mentioned in tip 4 you need to make sure your body gets the correct nutrients to make sure you get maximum muscle growth.
One of the best ways of doing this is to add sports supplements to your diet; importantly they are supplements and as such are not a replacement for food they are there to boost, say your protein intake.

As such it is important that you look at your goals and judge from that whether you need to boost for lean muscle growth or mass gain etc.


As a little bonus there are a couple more tips I have:

Firstly in my opinion, cardio is key to fitness and when especially if you are looking to build a lean muscular physique then it is better to stay cut rather than to bulk up and cut down.

Stretching and yoga are also recommended. These two exercises will aid your flexibility and help your muscle longevity as well as helping to prevent your muscles plateauing and keeping you injury free.

As a final word it is very important that you make sure you get out and do it, whether it is by joining a gym or at home or whatever as long as you spend the time doing the exercise you will reach your goal.

I'm Joe Gore and I have created using information I have researched and put into practice through my own fitness routine. Take action now and visit my website at the above link.

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5 Best Fitness Exercises That Will Help You Burn Calories Fast

Activities that use the largest muscle groups of the body and performed continuously usually will burn calories fast in the greatest amount.
Intensity and duration are the two key determinants of total energy lost - calories burnt. Activities in which you may be able to exercise continuously at a fairly high intensity for a prolonged period will maximize your total caloric lost.

Although this may include a wide variety of different physical activities, those that have become increasingly popular include walking, running, swimming, bicycling, and aerobic dance.

Now, the following are the details of the different fitness exercises that will help you burn calories as fast as possible.

1. Walking and Running -

These are popular exercises because they are so practical to do. All you need is a good pair of fitness shoes.
As a general rule, the caloric cost of running a given distance does not depend on the speed. It will take you a longer time to cover the distance at a slower speed, but the caloric cost will be similar to that lost at a faster speed.

However, walking is more economical than running, and hence you generally burn fewer calories for a given distance walking than you do running.

Fast, vigorous walking, known as aerobic walking can be an effective means to burn calories. However, as with other exercise activities, it takes practice to become a fast walker.

2. Stair climbing -

At home, at work, in an athletic stadium, or on stop machines is one of the means to make walking vigorous. Skipping is also more vigorous but may lead to injuries.

A lot of people use small weight in conjunction with their walking or running programs either by carrying them or strapping them to the ankles or waist. The most popular technique is to carry small weights of 1-3 pounds.

3. Swimming -

Because of water resistance, it takes more energy to cover a given distance than does either walking or running.

Although the amount of calories burnt depends somewhat on the type of swimming stroke used and the ability of the swimmer - you, swimming a given distance takes about four times as much energy as running.
For example, swimming a quarter-mile is the energy equivalent of running a mile. Water aerobics or running in waist-deep, chest-deep, or deep water - may be effective exercise regimens that help prevent injuries due to impact.

4. Bicycling -

 This takes less energy, about one-third the cost, to cover a given distance in comparison to running on a flat surface.

The energy cost of bicycling depends on a number of factors such as your body's weight, the type of bicycle, hills, and your body's position on the bike - assuming a streamlined position to reduce air resistance.

Owing to rapidly increasing air resistance at higher speeds such as 20 m.p.h, the energy cost of bicycling increases at a much faster rate at such speeds.

5. Aerobic dance -

This has been a popular form of exercise for a long time. There are variety of styles of aerobic dance varying in intensity and the degree of impact with the floor.
High-intensity and high-impact aerobic dancing approximates 10 calories per minute in women, which is indicative of energetic exercise.

Unfortunately, high-impact, or soft-impact, technique was introduced in which one foot usually remains in contact with the floor.

If done at a high intensity, low-impact aerobic dance may also use approximately 9-10 calories per minute and be less likely to induce injuries to the legs. The use of step benches may also increase exercise intensity and that can also help you burn calories faster.

Saeed Sikiru is a fitness enthusiast, a full time blogger and freelance writer. He owns a blog where he writes regularly about weight loss tips. You can also Hire Him for your writing and marketing projects at affordable cost.

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Muscle Building Tips and Muscle Gaining Secrets

Muscle Gaining Secrets...
The best way to gain muscle mass is to follow a combination of diet and exercise. Some of the nutritional secrets to gaining muscle mass and muscle building tips is to eat more protein and ensure that you exercise keeping in mind the need to grow muscles. Muscle mass can be gained through an ideal combination of eating right and exercising right.

Muscle Building Tips For Diet

The diet you follow makes all the difference. What you eat determines how much muscle mass you will gain. Muscle mass can be gained by consuming 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Drink plenty of protein shakes as this is one of secrets of building muscles. Ensure that you are able to eat a balanced, nutritious and wholesome meal. Eating supplements is also a great way to grow your muscles and gain muscle mass.

You should also ensure that you eat a good amount of fat as fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin D and E are critical to muscle recovery and repair which leads to muscle building.

Muscle Building Tips For Exercise

Here are some muscle building tips for exercise. Avoid doing cardiovascular exercise and instead you should bench press heavy weights in low repetitions for sets which have 2 to 3 minute rest intervals between them. You need to have adequate rest and recovery period to ensure that you are not overtraining as this can have a deleterious effect. Overtraining leads to fatigue and decreased intensity of the workout. Hence, you should design your workout keeping the training challenging yet doable.

Muscle Gaining Secrets

Muscle gaining secrets include adequate rest intervals, ensuring that there is no over training and that there is ingestion of adequate food. But what is equally important is to avoid using supportive gear while working out and ensure that you are lifting the weights without any reliance on external aids. Supportive gear tends to increase the ease with which you can perform successive repetitions. It also tends to make the wearer exert less pressure and leads to a less intense workout. The basic aim should be that the muscle is exercised and through muscle recovery and repair, muscles become bigger.

Muscle gaining secrets also include eating enough multivitamins as this can boost the rate at which micro tears in the muscle recover and repair themselves. Therefore, there should be emphasis on both the way that you work out and the way that you eat.

The emphasis is on gaining muscle mass and so there should be adequate rest and recovery. Essentially, over training must be avoided at all costs for a leaner, trimmer and healthier you. was set up to provide a useful resource for helping people who want to build their muscles in the comfort of their home and want muscle building tips.

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5 Best Lower Abdominal Exercises for Men

The need for lower abs exercises

Nowadays, the round belly is no more considered a good trait. People are looking to have either a zero figure or a trunk region full of six pack abs.

The six pack is a symbol of high degrees of fitness and provides a great look for someone having high measures of biceps, triceps and lattices.

The workout done for the abs and especially the lower abdominal exercises are really tough, It requires a high amount of effort and special diet- you need to avoid fat containing fat as much as possible and keep all the junk food miles away.

Here are a few lower abs exercises for men and remember, these exercises should be done in a systematic manner.

Bicycle crunches: To start with, we will talk about bicycle crunches. This is a very good lower abdominal exercise for men. To perform this, you rest on the floor with the face towards the ceiling. The legs are bent and head is lifted and held by the arms. Then, the right leg is brought closer and the left elbow is pushed forward to make contact with it while the other leg is straightened out. The same is done for the left leg, this time the right elbow coming near. This process is repeated till you lose your breath.

Twist and crunch: Next we come to one of the best abs exercises. Lying down, one has to bend his leg. Then the hip has to be twisted a bit and using the abs the right part of the body is lifted and the right elbow is turned. In the nest turn, the left elbow is also made to do the same. This is repeated a few times. This results in very good lower abdomen development.

Double leg reverse crunch: For this, rest on your back and make the body parallel to the ground. Then, the legs are raised and the knee is bent. The hands are kept below the hip. Then the heels slowly lowered to just a few inches above the ground and held in this position for some time. Again, the legs are raised back to its initial position. Again the same thing is repeated. This helps in the development of the lower region of the abdomen.

The declined sit-ups: The declined sit ups also help develop the lower region of the abs. It is just like normal sit up, but the raising of the leg is a bit declined. This helps in putting the effect onto the lower part of the belly.

Side crunch on balls: This is almost the same as the normal crunch with back resting on the ball. However, this exercise helps reduce the fat attached on the side of the body and also helps build the lower region of the six pack abs.

If you are interested in finding out more about learning how to train and fight, visit my special lower abdominal exercises site:

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3 Of the Best Workout Programs Today

For years men have been trying to find the best way to possibly workout and it seems like most men have no idea what will really work for them.
There really are no two men that are identical and so people should stop copying workouts that are tailored for different men with different body types. In order to truly have a better understanding of how to workout, you must first assess what kind of body you want to have.

 Though there are literally hundreds of different workouts to choose from, you will be able to have a better idea as to what you have to do by trying these simple workouts.

All of these workouts will have one thing in common, progression. If you are able to feel stronger and more refreshed after your workout, you will then realize that the workout is effective.

The Basic 5x5 Starting Strength Workout

As one of the most basic yet effective workouts, the 5x5 starting strength workout has been used for many years and was one of the favorites of various famous bodybuilders. The main purpose of the 5x5 workout is to get you stronger in the shortest amount of time possible. The program is focused on compound exercises like squats, bench presses, bent over rows and deadlifts. You will be lifting heavier weights after every program and the workouts are focused on having you lift the heaviest possible weight that you can lift for 5 sets of 5 reps. This will give you enough stress to build muscle but at the same time not burn yourself out. These workouts are only performed three times a week and should never be done on consecutive days. The program is set up so that you will be able to recover properly after every workout. If you are new to working out or would like to simply get stronger, the 5x5 strength workout is a great option.


As one of the most popular workout programs today, p90x is focused on confusing your muscles and with high intensity. This is a great way for you to lose fat and at the same time gain a good amount of muscle. The program is focused on getting your heart pounding and making you do exercises that you normally will not do at a high intensity. This is not the most popular workout today by accident as the program is proven to give results.

Basic bodyweight workout

A basic program that focuses on push-ups, pull-ups and body squats can go a long way. You will be able to gain a good amount of relative strength. Relative strength is how strong you are compared to your weight so if you are able to do a good amount of pull-ups, then you have a lot of relative strength. These workouts can be done almost every night but be careful to not overwork yourself.

Take your time choosing which program is best for you and make sure you fully understand what each program can do for you body.

With just a little patience and motivation you will definitely find the best workout for you.

Kimberly Hayles is a certified nutrition consultant who likes to write about health, weight loss and fitness. If you visit the website ( version espanol) you will be able to learn about diet solution program burn fat and the diet solution program review.

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Fitness Tips: The 5 Best Workouts for your Arms

Let's face it: next to six-pack abs the number one muscle group that every guy wants to train is arms. Having the sculpted guns you desire is not hard. There are a wide variety of ways to achieve this and we'll discuss the proven effective ones...

#1. - Kettlebells

The kettlebell was the strength secret weapon of the soviet special forces. In this discipline the principal exercise is the kettlebell swing. Exactly as the name implies it's essentially a swing.
In this drill you place the kettlebell between your legs, then you use your hips and posterior chain to propel it forward and up in a circular swing movement, then you drop it under control back between your legs.
This exercise will work all the muscles of your back chain, from your heel to your upper back, your abs, your chest, and most importantly to our purposes, your arms. You only need to train 15 minutes three times a week to see results.

#2. - Push-ups

Every single military training program includes push-ups, and there is a good reason for that. Push-ups work all the muscles in the upper body and build strength in the forearms, wrists, upper arms, shoulders and chest.
Doing push-ups on a regular basis will give you the sculpted arms you have been craving for, plus some added bonuses.

#3. - Pull-up bar

Pull-ups are one of the most challenging exercises. They will help you increase your arms, back, and abdominal strength very fast. The strength in your hands and fingers will increase as well.
Many guys find it very difficult to execute this exercise. Do as many pull-ups as you can and don't be discouraged if they are not a lot. If you are consistent and perform only 10 pull-ups everyday you will be amazed with the results.

#4. - The classic barbell curl

This is a very basic and boring exercise, but it works. Many guys consider the barbell curl the best bicep exercise because you can use a wide range of grip widths. This will allow you to hit different parts of your biceps.

#5. - Slow bench dip

This is a great exercise for developing the triceps. You don't need any kind of fancy equipment. You can use any bench or two stable chairs to perform this drill.
Execute any of the exercises above and you will get the arms you desire. Just remember, if you want to see fast results, you have to train your arms frequently to exhaustion. The fatigue will stimulate the chemical reactions in the body so that muscle hypertrophy will be attained.

If you want to learn how to lose weight and get six pack abs faster than you ever thought possible go to, you'll be glad you did.

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The Best Abdominal Exercises For Women

 Determining the best ab exercises for women for women is a topic of great interest since everyone admires firm abdominal muscles and many of us are trying to achieve it for ourselves.

The best ab exercises for women should help attain this goal without risk of injury. The abdominal exercises we outline below are considered by many health experts to be just that- a safe and effective way of toning your abdomen to achieve the look you want for your midsection.

About the Abdominal Muscles

Your abdominal muscles not only provide protection for your internal organs, they also provide support for your back. Taking good care of your ab muscles can result in a lean and firm midsection or even the "six pack" ab look that so many people strive for, Neglecting this muscle group by eating too much and not being active enough can result in a flabby appearance or even a pot belly. Getting your abdominal muscles back to the shape you want them to be in, you need to examine your diet and make the time for consistent exercise to strengthen and tone this area.

Three Recommended Abdominal Exercises

Reverse Crunch- To perform this exercise, you simply lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. You then bring your knees up toward your chest to bend about 90 degrees and contract your abdominal muscles, lifting your hips just slightly off the floor. Lower your legs and repeat the movement.

Fitness Ball Crunches- This is a very popular exercise because it takes pressure off your lower back but still targets the ab muscles very well. The main idea with this exercise is to roll the ball backwards slightly as you crunch down and then do the opposite for the reverse part of the exercise.

Hanging Knee Raise- An often overlooked exercise, and perceived by many as slightly advanced, this movement is very good for the lower abs. The exercise is done as you hang from a chin up bar and lift your legs to simulate a reverse crunch. To perform this exercise correctly, you should not swing your legs but move in a controlled way while tensing your abs throughout the movement.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please consult a physician before starting any new exercise program and consult a personal trainer or another fitness expert to make sure you are performing an exercise properly.

Steve and his company build database software [] for business and personal use, including a weight loss software [] product.

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Healthy Eating: 3 Tips on How to Eat Your Way to Fitness

Most people seem to think that they have to starve themselves if they want to loose weight, when in fact, the opposite is true. If you really want to shed off those unwanted pounds, the best way to do so is by eating small, frequent and healthy meals.

 The danger of starving yourself is that you start feeling deprived and end up binge eating. So you gain back the few pounds you lost - and then some. The trick to dieting is to eat more - not less.

Here are three tips on how to eat your way to fitness.
  • Eat healthy. Think food pyramid. A lot of people are not conscious of the stuff they eat. Instead of following a healthy and complete diet, they resort to drastic measures and restrict entire food groups. What you should do is to eat more of the healthy food such as fruits, vegetables and whole wheat grains. A diet that is too low in calories will starve your body of the nutrients that it needs. You will end up feeling weak and dizzy the entire day. So instead of not eating, try to eat smart.
  • Eat breakfast. People skip breakfast on purpose as a way to cut back on calories. As a result they start feeling hungry around ten in the morning and end up getting themselves a calorie loaded, unhealthy snack. Eating a healthy breakfast actually helps in weight loss because it kicks your metabolism into action after a long period of not eating.

  • Eat to live, not live to eat. Most people see food as a source of comfort. And this is why they gain a lot of weight. The more stressed they are the more they eat. They do emotional eating. If you want to be healthy, then have the right mindset. Eat to live, not the other way around. Improve your eating habits. When you start eating right you will find that you actually enjoy it. Then your body will start looking for nutrient rich and high fiber food instead of junk food and processed foods.

And now I would like to invite you to be fit and healthy for life. You can get FREE tips and techniques on how to eat your way to a beautiful body here at

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Proven Fitness Tips and Tricks

Are you tired of huffing and puffing when you climb a flight of stairs? Is it time for you to finally get in shape? If so, you've come to the right place.

The following article has some great tips and tricks that will help you reach your fitness goals. So long as your ready to put in the work and keep yourself motivated, there is no reason why you can't get in the best shape of your life, no matter how old or out of shape you currently are.

The first thing you're going to want to do is create a diet that will help you reach your fitness goals. This doesn't mean you have to count calories or starve yourself. Quite the opposite actually. As you start your fitness routine, you are going to be building a lot of muscle, which will require you to consume a great deal of food. The important thing is that you make healthy food choices. Get rid of refined sugars and consume lots of protein. In general just try to eat healthier.

Once you've established your diet, you are ready to create an exercise routine. To reach your fitness potential, you are going to have to incorporate both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. This means that you are going to have to couple strength training with cardio.

When it comes to strength training, strive to target each muscle group 1 or 2 times a week and no more. This will give your body adequate time to recover and build muscle. As far as cardio goes, you have two different avenues to follow. If you need to lose a lot of weight, you are better suited training for longer periods of time at a moderate pace. If you are looking to improve endurance and overall cardiovascular health, stick to shorter more intense workouts.

Now that the planning stages are done, you are ready to set your fitness goals. It is important that you work towards something so that you can monitor your progress and see how much you have improved. Make sure that these goals are realistic so that they are attainable.

 Having goals that are too hard will just discourage you and cause you to abandon your fitness plan altogether.

With a good diet plan and exercise routine, you are ready to start your fitness program; however, you will make life a whole lot easier if you enlist the help of a buddy.

Having someone along for the ride with you is going to make the entire fitness process much more enjoyable. When you have a workout buddy, you will motivate each other to work harder, therefore you will reach your goals much quicker. It also increases the likelihood that you will stick with whatever program you create.

The information you've just read is not rocket science, however if used correctly, it can go a long way towards helping you reach your fitness goals. Be sure and use what you've learned, and you'll be in the best shape of your life in no time.
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Easy Breast Exercises For Beautiful Breasts!

Every woman wishes to have and desires to have beautiful breasts. Not everyone can afford to spend a huge amount of money on cosmetic surgery. Some women resist undergoing surgery due to the side effects involved. Such women can enhance the size of the breasts naturally.

Breasts can be enhanced in a natural way by doing easy breast exercises. By following simple techniques of breast exercise, you can have healthy breasts. The exercises can be performed once in a week. It hardly takes fifteen to twenty minutes to exercise. One can also press the breasts using the hands. You can also apply pressure to your breasts by leaning on wall. This exercise helps to improve the blood flow in your breast area.

Other exercise is in terms with the palms; you can join your palms and give pressure to the upper area of breasts. This helps to regain overall firmness of the breasts. The exercise will help relax area around the breasts. This exercise can prove to be very helpful to those who have sagging breasts.

Posture exercise can also help a woman with breast problem. Posture exercise can be done by carrying a heavy weight on the head. You can start this exercise by keeping a heavy book on your head. With the book on the head, one can walk around balancing the book. This exercise provides firmness to the area of your breast. This posture exercise is very beneficial for sagging breasts.

There are many easy breast exercises, which can help a woman. If you wish to have shapely breasts, you can do some easy breast exercises.

Another alternative means of breast enhancement is using herbal breast enlargement cream. This is also a natural way of breast enhancement.

There are many advantages of using this cream:

o Enlarge the breast naturally and add firmness. The potential herbs used in the product tone-up and improve the tissues present in the breasts.

o The Breast Cream regulates the female hormones. Regular usage of product stimulates new cell growth thereby enhancing the breasts.

o Basically, the cream is a combination of herbs along with Pueraria mirifica that has been used traditionally as natural female hormones. In the female body, the formula helps balancing overall structure and promotes the breast enlargement.

There are many easy breast exercises for beautiful breasts. Gently massage the breasts with special oil can also help. Therapeutic massage softens skin texture and improves appearance. Another activity that can help enhance the size of the breasts is swimming. Swimming is a fabulous form of exercise to keep the whole body in shape. The water is chest-supporting. Breast stroke is perfect for pectorals. Press ups can really help shape the breasts and can be done in the privacy of your own home.

For more information:
Easy Breast Exercises []
Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream []

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4 Jumping Exercises to Increase Vertical Leap Fast

 Speed and strength are important components of athletes movement. With improved power, an athlete's overall performance is enhanced including an increase vertical leap.

Various Jumping exercises such as jumping, bounding and hopping have been used in many various ways to enhance performance, and increase vertical leap.

Not only are jumping exercises beneficial to the athletes performance, it increases the fitness.

The following jumping exercises have been used and tested by athletes and trainers to increase vertical leap, and performance.
Listed below are 4 lower body jumping exercises to increase vertical leap-

1) Bounds - Commence jogging followed by a push off with the right leg, and with an extended stride bring the left leg forward (knee bent and thigh parallel to the floor).
At the same time, the left arm should reach forward for further momentum. Attempt to hold the extended stride for a brief time, and then land on the left foot and immediately leap forward again.
To maximise this jumping exercise, continue to perform the extended stride continuously on each foot and cover as much distance as possible.
Recommended sets are one to three set over 30-40 metres.

2) Hurdle Hopping - This jumping exercise involves the hip and knee for jump movements. The hurdles are set in a row, and spaced at an appropriate distance away.
Whilst standing straight on 2 feet, jump forward over the hurdles and then immediately spring or jump over the next hurdle.
Lift with your knees together, tucked against the chest and land on the balls of the feet, and immediately continue the next jump exercise sequence over the subsequent hurdles.
Use both arms to swing up for balance and increase vertical leap.
Recommended sets are one to three sets over 6 to 8 hurdles(36 inches high) for this jumping exercise.

3) Single Leg Hopping - The aim of this jumping exercise is to stand on one leg, and push off from the standing leg, jumping forward and landing on the same leg.
Use the opposite leg as a balance and for forward motion. With each jump, aim to jump higher.
Recommended jumping exercise set is one to three over 30-40 metres.

4) Tuck Jumps - Standing straight, jump up grabbing both knees to the chest.
As the feet return to the starting position, land on the balls of the feet and immediately spring up in a quick upward motion.

Again with this jumping exercise, aim to jump higher with each spring.

Recommended vertical jumps for this jumping exercise is one to three sets of 10 repetitions.

Note that if this is your first attempt at these jumping exercises, it is always advisable to consult with a personal trainer for maximum performance and prevent injuries.

The jumping exercises above are just only a few, and aimed to to increase vertical leap.

In addition, these suggested jumping exercises plays part in your continual practice of vertical leap performance.

As always, the quality of each jumping exercise is far more important than quantity.

Therefore focus on the technique of each jumping exercise for optimal results.

The better the quality, the better the form of each jumping exercise, which will have an impact on improved power, and an increase vertical leap.

Start the workout small and progressively increase the workout over a period of time. That means it is not necessary to do jumping exercises 7 days a week. Look at 3 to 4 days a week, allowing the muscles to rest.

Also, performing the jumping exercises too often will often lead to boredom, and consequently lack of motivation. The idea with these jumping exercises is to workout less for optimal results.

Importantly keep track of each jumping exercise. Note the repetitions, distance and height of each jumping exercise.

Once you have grasped the 4 jumping exercises, look at varying the routine with more unique jumping exercises that will add more strength to your increasing vertical leap and fitness.

Some other suggested jumping exercises are split jumps, standing jump from height, depth jump from a box. If you want more unique jumping exercises (or plyometric exercises) that will truly unleash your vertical leap, check out the link below.

Finally, before any workout, it is vital that you warm up and stretch the muscles before and after any jumping exercise.

Throughout this century, jumping exercises have been used successfully by many athletes as a method of training to increase vertical leap.

Want to Know How to Jump Higher And Double Your Vertical Leap in Just 60 Days - Visit The Vertical Jump Project For The Best Exercises to Increase Your Vertical Leap!

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Corrective Fitness Solution For Low Back Pain

As a Corrective Exercise Specialist one of the most common complaints I hear from new clients is of low back pain. If you have ever suffered from low back pain then you know what I am talking about and why it is such a big complaint.

Low back pain is the number one cause for sick leave than any other medical condition. (Office of Communications and Public Liaison, 2003) If you work in an office and spend most of your day sitting then this article is for you! If you are like me and have suffered or are currently suffering from things like herniated discs, compressed vertebrae or sciatic nerve pain I suggest you consult with your physician before beginning this or any exercise routine. The methods that I discuss here have helped me personally and many of my clients to alleviate low back pain and to care for it daily.

When a joint is moved into any position then one muscle is shortened (contracted) and the opposing muscle is lengthened (stretched). When these positions are held for long periods of time, the contracted muscles get tighter and stay like that, while the stretched muscle becomes weaker, thus keeping the joint in an altered position and out of neutral. Over time this can cause joint dysfunction, pain, altered movement patterns and could even lead to serious injury eventually.
primary joint we will be discussing here is the pelvis because this is where your spine connects via muscles and connective tissues. In order to keep this as simple as possible just imagine the pelvis like a box suspended in air by four cables (representing muscles). There are a 4 major muscle groups involved in the positioning of your pelvis; the abdominal muscles and hip flexors in the front. The gluteus, hamstrings, and low back muscles in the rear. If the low back muscles and hip flexors are tightened then the pelvis shifts up in the rear. The opposite happens if the gluteus, hamstrings and abs are tightened. If all are even then the pelvis would be square.

Now that you understand how the joint and muscular systems work together, let's discuss a major contributor to low back pain. The majority of people who suffer from this problem that I've met all have one thing in common: jobs that involve hours of sitting at a desk. When sitting, the hip flexors and the low back muscles are in a shortened state. This creates a pulling of your pelvis down in the front and up in the rear, called an anterior pelvic tilt, tilting your pelvis in such a way that your butt sticks out. The lengthened muscles in this dysfunction are the abdominals, hamstrings, and gluteus. These muscles, primarily the glutes and abdominals, are constantly in a weakened state and these are the very core muscles needed to support the lower back.

The process of treating this is based on Corrective Exercise. The first step towards correcting this is to inhibit the over-active hip flexors through self-myofascial release (aka foam rolling). The second step is to lengthen them by doing a static hip flexor stretch. You can also stretch the low back by lying over a fitness ball, this is also a great way to decompress your spine after a long day of sitting.

Once you have lengthened the tight muscles, then you can begin isolated strengthening of the abdominals and glutes. Some great exercises to accomplish this are hip extensions (aka bridges), planks, and sit ups or crunches. Another great exercise for strengthening the transverse abdominals is the standing or kneeling draw-in. You should also strengthen your hamstring muscles as these contradict the pulling of the hip flexors. This last one may not seem to make sense because most people with low back pain feel like they suffer from tight hamstrings and this is true. However, the reason the hamstrings feel tight is that they are being overly stretched because of the position of the pelvis and they actually need to be strengthened to counteract the hip flexors.

By doing these exercises you can bring your pelvis back to neutral and eliminate the pressure brought upon the lower back by sitting all day. I have used these exercises on myself and many of my clients with extreme success. If you have joint pain or issues feel free to comment or email me your questions, I would love to help you live and move pain free.

Dave C Smith CES.

I am a Corrective Exercise Specialist and a Specialist in Fitness Nutrition in Seattle WA. My purpose is to educate and teach others about how to incorporate health and fitness into their daily lives in a safe and effective way. I show that their is fitness everywhere we look, not just in a "gym" and it is about the conscious and, more importantly, the unconscious choices we make everyday. As a lifelong sufferer of back pain I live what I teach others. For more info: []

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Want a Flat Stomach? - Here's the Best Exercise

 The best exercise for the stomach is probably not the one you're thinking of. It's not the traditional sit-up or ab crunch. It's not even ab related.

So before you go out and buy the Gut Buster 2000, you should know that the best exercise you can do for your stomach won't cost you a red cent.

All you need are your two feet because the exercise that I'm talking about is none other than walking or jogging.

If you've found that your stomach is flabbier than you'd prefer it to be, it's likely there are other parts of your body that need firming up as well.

Your body cannot just eliminate fat in on
e area. So if you are trying to crunch your way to a flatter stomach without exercising the rest of your body, you'll never see results.

To achieve a flat stomach, your entire body has to get leaner. Read that sentence again.
Start by doing cardio exercises to get your heart rate up and improve your metabolism. A good fast-paced walk three times per week is a great way to accomplish this. Not only does this burn calories, but it's good for your heart.

Did you know that a good, consistent cardio workout can increase your metabolism by up to 24 hours? Yep, it's true!

A Quick Exercise for Your Metabolism
Below is a sample workout that you can do to help give your metabolism a quick boost. It will help your body burn calories more efficiently if performed regularly.
1) Perform 30 seconds of hard exercise (i.e. run in place as fast as you can)
2) Perform one minute of moderate exercise (i.e. a casual jog or brisk walk).
3) Repeat this process 10 times.
4) Cool down for 3-5 minutes
In addition to a healthy diet, walking and/or jogging is one of the best stomach exercises you can perform because it raises your metabolism enough to burn excess calories all over your body.
Total body fitness is the key to a flat stomach, not just spot toning one area. Why not kick-start your fitness program with a nice, fast-paced walk 3-4 times per week? Your stomach and the rest of your body will say, "Thank you." :)

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Lisa Irby is the author of, a site that presents the REAL FACTS on slimming your waistline.

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Is it Okay to Exercise During Menstruation?

A common question among women's fitness groups is whether or not it is healthy to exercise during menstruation. While many fears and beliefs about our monthly cycle have changed over the years, whether or not strenuous activity is right for every woman is probably best determined on a case by case basis.

Each woman is different both physically and mentally. Women who have a heavy flow may find that increased activity causes them to bleed even more. Other women have reported a decrease in the length of their cycle and an alleviation of cramps by exercising straight through their monthly period.

While it is never good to bleed too heavily, foregoing a whole week of exercise is unacceptable to most women who have grown accustomed to a women's workout routine. As a personal trainer, I have found that by having some light exercises to offer to the ladies gives them an alternative to just sitting out the entire week. Instead of running, a brisk walk will keep your body stay active, without jostling your uterus and aggravating your symptoms. Strength training exercises are fine and you can lessen the amount of weights, squats or other exercises that might increase your blood flow.

If you are worried about the messiness of a heavy flow, you might want to wear a tampon when you exercise during your period. Just remember to keep it changed regularly to control bacterial infection. You might want to wear a pair of bike shorts under a pair of loose fitting shorts for protection against spills.

Women have come a long way from the times of our ancestors, when women were cordoned off during their time of the month. However, we still have the blessing of a body that is engineered for childbirth and therefore from the time of puberty until menopause a woman's body will automatically ready itself for the possibility of pregnancy. Although month after month it's hard to think of this time as something wonderful, without it, we wouldn't be much different than our male counterparts.

Keeping your body hydrated is very important to your women's fitness program but even more so during your period. A healthy diet that is low in sodium is also a must before and during your cycle. Salt tends to intensify bloating and inflammation, which trigger cramps and back pain that will make you feel worse. Exercise, especially walking helps to decrease inflammation and relieve bloating.

Intense exercise, such as those performed by professional or extreme athletes, may cause amenorrhea or the termination of your menstrual period. This is generally temporary and reverses naturally when the exercise regimen is moderated. Since there are many reasons for amenorrhea, consult your doctor if your period becomes irregular, to make sure there are not some other underlying health problems that you need to be aware of.

The important thing is to listen to your body and get to know it. If you feel you need to take it easy, then do so. Don't let your period be an excuse to get out of exercise, but don't push yourself to do something that your body is telling you not to. It's your body and your right to exercise, go out for a walk and if you feel like a slow jog, go for it.

However, if you feel you need to take a day off and rest, then by all means allow your body that time for rejuvenation. The following day, you'll probably feel better and will be ready to increase your women's workout routine.

Karen Ficarelli is the founder and CEO of, a diet, exercise program and women's fitness blog, developed especially for women. A mother of three, Karen knows how hard it is to fit everything into a busy schedule. A fitness author, personal trainer, Pilate's instructor, sports nutritionist, fitness model, wife and mom, Karen is passionate about helping other women reach their fitness goals. She knows firsthand that the desire to attain a healthy, slim and well-toned body is just as important as any other dream that a woman can have. But going a step further, Karen understands that to achieve that dream, you first must believe in it. Think it, believe it, achieve it... ... the website for women's fitness.

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Top Ten Benefits of Core Exercises

 When it comes to total lifetime fitness, core exercises are just about the best thing you can do for yourself. The results are immediate and long-lasting. Core exercises have profound benefits for both men and women, at all levels of training and experience.

Core training is a relatively new term, popularized within the last 15 years. Yet, core training itself has been an essential part of the training of every gymnast, ballet dancer, and football player since the beginnings of time. No one called it "core training" back in the day.

Your football coach or ballet instructor said "do this" and you did that. You did squat thrusts and jumping jacks and push-ups if you were a football player, or you did pliés and ronds de jambes and ports de bras if you were a ballet dancer. No one knew that the deepest part of their athletic exercise routines were actually training a critical part of their body called the "core".
Today, the deep value of core training is well-known to the professional physical fitness community. And core exercises are an important component of fitness for every person engaged in the pursuit of health and wellness.

Here are the Top Ten Benefits of Core Exercises -

1. It's good for you! Core exercises train your deep abdominal muscles - the main one is called the transversus abdominis. You can think of your transversus abdominis as your internal weight belt. It's a very deep muscle that surrounds your entire waist, supporting all your abdominal structures including your lower back.

2. Looking good. Of course - this is why we exercise! Well, mostly why we exercise. :-) Core training flattens your abs better and faster than any other abdominal workout.

3. Core training is the missing piece of most exercise programs. Most people do abdominal exercises as part of their regular routines. These are important, and yet abdominal exercises per se focus on the superficial abdominal muscles - primarily the rectus abdominis. What's needed are exercises that specifically target the transversus abdominis (TVA) - your body's weight belt. This muscle is your deepest muscular layer and is most effectively trained using core routines.

4. Lower back stabilization. A strong and healthy lower back requires a strong and healthy group of core muscles - the TVA, multifidus, erector spinae, longissimus thoracis, rectus abdominis, and internal and external obliques. A strong core provides weight-bearing support to the lower back, freeing your spinal vertebras, joints, and muscles to do what they were designed to do - move your body around in space.

5. Your body gets much smarter! Core training provides remarkable unexpected benefits, including improved balance and coordination. Core training creates more and better links between your brain - specifically your cerebellum - and your body. The cerebellum is responsible for muscular coordination, balance, and positional awareness - proprioception - your body's awareness of its positioning in three-dimensional space. So core fitness means your brain is fit, too, and your body's own intelligence goes up very quickly.

6. Improved flexibility. Another unexpected benefit of core fitness. Improved flexibility is the natural result of improved lower back stabilization. A strong group of core muscles takes weight-bearing pressure off your lower back, removing an ongoing, daily source of lower-back muscular stress and strain. These muscles and ligaments are freed-up to go through their entire ranges of motion, providing improved natural mobility and flexibility.

7. Improved respiration and lung capacity. The TVA is directly connected to the diaphragm. When the core muscles are well-trained and working properly, your ability to breathe in fully and breathe out fully is greatly improved. More air means more oxygen - the performance of all your body systems is upgraded as a result. Pretty remarkable.

8. Reduced occurrence of lower back pain. Most of us have had some kind of lower back trouble here and there. Most of these lower back problems result from bearing too much or too sudden weight in the lower back. A strong set of core muscles helps prevent or minimize such damage by providing more a efficient weight-bearing mechanism. Your back muscles and ligaments are not primarily designed to bear weight. Their primary function is to move your body around in three-dimensional space. A strong core allows for more normal spinal function and lower back problems are reduced.

9. Improved physical strength. In the old days you'd carry around a weight belt when you worked out at the gym. You'd put on the weight belt when you were doing squats, deadlifts, or shoulder presses with a barbell. The belt provided stabilization and supported your lower back, allowing you to lift heavier weights and reduce the risk of injury. In those days people didn't know about core training. With core exercises, you strengthen your own internal weight belt. The TVA and other core muscles even do a better job than the old leather weight belts. They're a natural part of your body and know what they're supposed to do. All you need to do is keep these muscles fit and well-trained.

10. More fun with running, cycling, surfing, and skiing. Basically, any sport that requires both aerobic performance and flexibility is improved with core training. Core exercises enhance your respiratory capacity and your balance, coordination, and flexibility. The result is upgraded athletic performance - you have more stamina and your sport-specific skills improve. Core training is literally a one-stop shop for fitness.
David Lemberg

25 years experience in fitness, exercise, health, wellness
Author, speaker, educator

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Three Exercises To Reduce Stomach Fat

Is your unsightly bulging stomach annoying you? There many diets and workouts out there that promise a lot of things, but if they have disappointed you, maybe what you need what exercises that aim to reduce stomach fat. We have here three.

Bicycle pumps. Lie on the floor flat on your back. We have a curvature of the spine on our lower back that usually elevates it a bit and barely touches the floor. Make sure you press your lower back to the ground. Put your hands above your head. Raise you left bent knee and raise your right elbow to touch it. Without bringing your raised knee and arm down, do the same knee-to-elbow touching on the other pair. Repeat these bicycle pumps twenty times before returning to your original position. This, in conjunction with the other exercises below, will reduce stomach fat.

Full circle torso twist. Stand upright on the floor, feet apart, hands on your waist. When you feel stable enough, raise both hands and clasp them together on top of your head. Face right without moving your legs, from this position you will bend down and sideward to your right, going toward your foot, and twisting till your torso arcs in a circle that passes your left foot and completes the arc with your hands raised and clasped on top of your head again. You can start from the left or right as you so choose. Do five full circle torso twists starting on either side, then switch sides.

Crunches. Basic and effective. Some people forego crunches thinking they are medieval or difficult to do, or both. Don't be like them. Crunches target the excess fat accumulated in your belly section. Begin by laying on the floor, facing the ceiling. Make sure your knees are bent, and that your feet are flat on the floor. Place your hands at ear level and with your fingertips just behind your eats. Your lower back has a curve that renders it slightly above the ground. Press your whole lower back till it touches the ground. Arc up till your shoulders are above the ground by some inches. Hold that position for five seconds. Release. Return to original position and repeat.

With these targeted workouts, you are sure to reduce stomach fat in no time.

For additional information on subject matter, just click HERE []

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How to Do Tabata Training

Are you tired of scouring the web for hours looking for the absolute best workout? With different opinions and contradicting information about what makes for an excellent workout, it's no wonder that Tabata training has seen a huge surge in popularity in recent years.

The beautiful thing about this workout is that it doesn't get too complicated and it is highly customizable. By following the steps below you will be completing your first Tabata exercise in no time.

How it Works
The foundation of Tabata is based around interval training. The workout consists of 8 rounds with a focus on high intensity and short rest time.
Each round is 30 seconds long: 20 seconds of actual exercise and 10 seconds rest.
A sample workout could include intervals of pushups and air squats. Therefore you would perform push ups for 20 seconds, rest for ten seconds, and then perform air squats for 20 seconds. This would equate to two rounds and sixty seconds of exercise time. This makes a complete workout time of only 4 minutes!
Now that beats 60 minutes on a treadmill any day!

Make a Plan
Before you start, you need to ask yourself what you want to accomplish. Are you trying to lose fat? Do you want to achieve better endurance? Are you set on packing on the muscle?
By deciding which area you want to improve, it will help you make a plan for which exercises you are going to perform. After you decide which area you would like to build on, jot down the exercises in order in multiples of eight.

Grab a timer
In order to be successful in this exercise you need to have accurate timing. You can use a stopwatch, or if you are near a computer, I recommend
This website allows you to set the number for rounds you want to complete and does all of the counting for you which makes it convenient to keep track of your time.

Get started!
Now that you know what to do, go get started! The great thing about Tabata is that it is so simple you don't need to spend hours doing research, and you can literally do it anywhere (I would advise against doing it at your local grocery store).
These simple steps will have you looking good faster than the time it takes to get to the gym. Define your goal, choose your exercises, grab a timer, and get started. You will soon see just how effective a four minute workout can be.
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Top 10 Fitness Tips

"I don't exercise. If God wanted me to bend over, he'd have put diamonds on the floor," comments Joan Rivers. It's true, many of us simply do not enjoy fitness and exercising. It's also true that every single person in this world can benefit from a proper fitness and nutrition program.

Use these top 10 fitness tips to get your workout routine started today. As always, talk with your doctor before starting a new fitness or nutrition program.

Tip #1- Set Realistic and Tangible Goals
Simply stating that you want to lose weight is not effective. Be specific. For example, I want to lose 5 pounds of fat by February 14th.

Tip #2- Measure Your Progress
Take your base measurements and then re-take them on a regular basis. You cannot measure your progress if you have no idea where you started from.

Tip #3- Log Your Workouts
Each and every workout session should be logged. Keep all of your fitness logs in a binder and create your very own success journal.

Tip #4- Mix Up Your Cardio Workouts
Cardio sessions should vary in intensity and in length. Try new cardio activities and keep things fresh.

Tip #5- Strength Training Is Not Just for Men
Everyone should strength train. Strength training builds muscle and increases bone density. Train all major muscle groups 1-3 times per week.

Tip #6- Rest
Get 7-9 hours of deep sleep each and every night. Also rest your muscles by not working out 1-2 days each week.

Tip #7- Warm Up
Warm up for 5-10 minutes before every workout session. You should feel a rise in your body temperature.

Tip #8- Cool Down
Cool down by stretching out your entire body. This helps increase flexibility and decrease muscle soreness the next day.

Tip #9- Nutrition Is Half the Battle
Eating small meals throughout the day complements your fitness routine. Learn to eat healthy and kick diets out of your life forever.

Tip #10- Stay Motivated
Find a workout partner. Sign up for a marathon. Work with a personal trainer. Do whatever it takes to remain committed. If you falter, let go of guilt and get back on your routine as soon as possible.
These top10 fitness tips build the foundation of a safe and effective fitness program. Anyone can drop body fat and gain lean muscle mass by following a realistic workout and nutrition plan. Stay the course and you will be healthier and happier for it.

Copyright 2005
 Lynn VanDyke is the creator of A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Melt the Fat & Gain a Life. It is the only program that shows you exactly how to eat, exercise and succeed with life. The 400+ page interactive program comes complete with over 100 exercises, 130 daily menus, 63 ways to stick with it and loads more. Learn more by visiting:
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