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The Best Abdominal Exercises For Women

 Determining the best ab exercises for women for women is a topic of great interest since everyone admires firm abdominal muscles and many of us are trying to achieve it for ourselves.

The best ab exercises for women should help attain this goal without risk of injury. The abdominal exercises we outline below are considered by many health experts to be just that- a safe and effective way of toning your abdomen to achieve the look you want for your midsection.

About the Abdominal Muscles

Your abdominal muscles not only provide protection for your internal organs, they also provide support for your back. Taking good care of your ab muscles can result in a lean and firm midsection or even the "six pack" ab look that so many people strive for, Neglecting this muscle group by eating too much and not being active enough can result in a flabby appearance or even a pot belly. Getting your abdominal muscles back to the shape you want them to be in, you need to examine your diet and make the time for consistent exercise to strengthen and tone this area.

Three Recommended Abdominal Exercises

Reverse Crunch- To perform this exercise, you simply lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. You then bring your knees up toward your chest to bend about 90 degrees and contract your abdominal muscles, lifting your hips just slightly off the floor. Lower your legs and repeat the movement.

Fitness Ball Crunches- This is a very popular exercise because it takes pressure off your lower back but still targets the ab muscles very well. The main idea with this exercise is to roll the ball backwards slightly as you crunch down and then do the opposite for the reverse part of the exercise.

Hanging Knee Raise- An often overlooked exercise, and perceived by many as slightly advanced, this movement is very good for the lower abs. The exercise is done as you hang from a chin up bar and lift your legs to simulate a reverse crunch. To perform this exercise correctly, you should not swing your legs but move in a controlled way while tensing your abs throughout the movement.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please consult a physician before starting any new exercise program and consult a personal trainer or another fitness expert to make sure you are performing an exercise properly.

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